Simojärvi-Soppana - an undiscovered gem

Tympiikö tungos retkeilyalueilla ja niiden ruuhkaisilla parkkipaikoilla? Meillä on tarjolla täällä Etelä-Lapissa kohde, joka on vielä löytämätön helmi! Simojärven (63,7 km²) ja Soppanan 11 (km²) ainutlaatuisen upea retkeilyalue Ranuan ja Posion maastossa on luontokohde, jollaisesta olet jo tunnettujen retkipaikkojen väentungoksessa ehtinyt haaveillakin ja miettinyt, onko sellaisia enää olemassakaan.

Simojärvi (pituus 40 km, maksimisyvyys 27 m) on Suomen 50. suurin järvi, joka lumoaa ja häikäisee kirkkailla vesillään. Se on myös yksi Suomen harvoista ”villeistä” vesistä, joita ei ole säännöstelty. Suuri osa Simojärven 40 km pitkästä alueesta on mukana rantojensuojeluohjelmassa, joten sen lukuisia ihania hiekkarantoja varjellaan luonnontilaisina.

Alue soveltuukin erinomaisesti vesiretkeilyyn, mutta lisäksi myös patikointiin ja metsäpyöräilyyn. Retkeilyreitit ovat helppokulkuisia ja reittimerkinnät kunnostetaan kesällä 2021. Soppanan alue kuuluu vanhojen metsien suojeluohjelmaan, joten siellä pääset kokemaan metsävanhusten lumoa. Huomattava osa tästä loistavasta retkikohteesta kuuluu Natura 2000 -alueverkostoon, jonka tavoite on suojella luontotyyppejä ja lajeja. Ja tosiaan tässä upeassa luontokohteessa sinulla on tilaa olla ja liikkua vapaasti, ilman kiirettä ja tungosta. Simojärven ja Soppanan ikimuistoiset maisemat soveltuvat niin lyhyeen päiväretkeilyyn kuin myös useamman päivän mittaisiin vaelluksiin. Alueella on nimittäin myös laavu Porosaaren eteläpäässä, Korvanjokisuussa ruokailupaikka/huussit ja pari muutakin laavua löytyy – valinnanvaraa tauko- ja yöpymispaikaksi siis on tarjolla.

Metsä Kolo is only 14 km away from this natural wonder of Finland, so it serves as a great base for your nature adventure. In Metsä Kolo, your accommodation options include a log cabin, a room upstairs in the main house, a Tentsile tree tent or your own tent. If you wish, we can also rent a tent for an overnight trip. We also have a couple of Canadian canoes (for an additional fee) to take with you to the amazing nature adventure at Lake Simojärvi. A bike can also be arranged for a small fee if you feel like enjoying the scenery on wheels.

More information about the Simojärvi and Soppana areas:

Simojärvi-Soppana trails in GPX format:

1) Paasonvaara scenic trail, 5km 

2) Paasonjärvi hiking trail, 12km 

3) Simojärvi hiking trail , 19km 

4) Paha-Paason – Paasonjärven rengasreitti, 7 km

We prefer high-quality and ecological domestic alternatives in our materials

Finnish design beds

We want to pamper our guests with luxurious nighttime sleep, so we have chosen Hilja beds by the Finnish family business MATRI. The beds have been handmade in their own factory using 100% natural materials. MATRI also has material safety at heart, which is why all of their products use only environmentally friendly, certified materials produced in Europe. This ensures an exceptionally clean, breathable and safe sleeping environment.

Horsehair futons

We want to pamper our guests with soothing sleep. The futon mattress gives the body proper support so that the muscles do not have to tense while sleeping. The perfectly breathable mattress is made only of pure natural materials. With horsehair, a very durable and airy layer can be created in the futon, which brings a little surface softness together with the layers of organic cotton and wool. The futons are handmade in Pori by the same family business where the ecological blankets and pillows we have chosen also come from.

Duvets and pillows

We want to pamper our guests with natural Finnish products. Duvets and pillows of Finnsheep wool are an ecological choice, as they biodegrade in soil. Wool is inherently fireproof so it does not require the addition of fire protection chemicals and is also otherwise a chemical-free product. The bedding does not make you sweat even in hot weather as it efficiently evaporates the moisture it absorbs and stays comfortably warm in the cold and damp. Our impressive bedding is handmade in Finland by the company called Porin Villa ja Peite, using surplus raw materials produced nearby.

Duvet covers and pillowcases

We want to pamper our guests with soft linen sheets. Jesus linen sheets are made to last, experience and see a lot, even for generations. The material of linen is beautiful, durable and environmentally friendly natural fiber. Linen is heavy, smooth and stiffer. Breathable linen retains its coolness when hot and warms even in cooler places.
The comfort and softness of the fabric only increase with washing. Finlayson wanted to make the most durable sheets in the world, for which they took the model of the Turin shroud that has survived to this day.


We want to pamper our guests with the best towels. The weaving at Lapuan Kankurit, the manufacturer of our towels, is of Nordic design, inspired by Finland's pure and rugged nature. The fourth generation family business weaves responsibly, while respecting the environment. Only natural raw materials such as linen and wool are used. High-quality textiles last for decades when properly cared for.