Your hidden treasure in Southern Lapland

Welcome to forest!

Metsä Kolo is a small private and ecological resort in Southern Lapland, located only one and a half hours from Rovaniemi. The resort consists of only 3 typical Finnish log cabins and the main house at a lake in the middle of a private wilderness. Our core values are easy-going lifestyle, sustainability and locality. 

Enjoy the spirit of Finnish forest, the peace of Lapland and the bounty of pure nature. The rush of everyday life is left behind by water and fire as well as by wrapping oneself up in flax linen in the luxury bed.

Why us?

Die Chefin
Finder of Metsä Kolo - Alexandra Paulomo

Finally I found my way to the peace of nature, to a lake and my own forest. Here I can breathe, earthen and be in my flow.

I am happy to share this unique place with my dear guests. In Metsä Kolo you can be at your own, find yourself, chat, chill, recharge your batteries (physical and/or mental) and enjoy with all your senses all day long. 

You´re welcome as you are!

Metsä Kolo is an exciting combination of `Nature-connection´, soulhappiness and ability to learn new things. We favour natural materials, local craftsmanship, quality and long life cycle, reuse, recycling and local, wild food. 
Paljasjalkaisena stadilaisena ja maailmanmatkaajana elämä veden äärellä, paljonpuhuttavat vuodenajat, hiljentyminen sekä luonnon puhdas ravinto kasvattavat minua ihmisenä päivittäin. Toimin täydestä sydämestä ja olen riemuissani – löysin unelma hommani erakkona metsästä! 

Come to Metsä Kolo and enjoy a leisurely life, relax or pursue your hobbies, alone or together. 


Alex Paulomo

Accommodation options

reservations and enquiries only by e-mail: - thank you!


Log cabins

from 68 € per person / night

Three traditional finish MÖKKI log cabins are located on the picturesque shore of Saarijärvi, where you can spend a relaxing holiday by the lake and sleep sweet in our lovely beds. This is Finnish holidaying at its best!

Meillä saavat aikuisetkin pelleillä.


from 73 € per person / night

In the two attic rooms of the mainhouse, you will dive into a time travel to Finnish good old times. It´s like at Grand Ma´s house on the country side. You won't get this close to the local way of life anywhere else!




250 € / vrk

Nukuttuasi yön puuteltassa kiire ei enää kuulu sanavarastoosi. Vapauden tunne on sanoinkuvaamaton, kun leijut ilmassa torkkuen, ja kuunnellen metsän ääniä. Tämä jokaisen Lappiin matkaavan on saatava kokea!

Lake Paasonjärvi

Arctic X-treme

alk. 75 € / vrk

Onko mitään suomalaisempaa kuin nukkua yö kirkasvetisen järven rannalla kesäyön auringossa? Tai telttailla syksyn kirpeinä pakkasöinä lämpimässä untuvamakuupussissa oman rakkaan kanssa, ja juoda aamukahvit nuotion ääressä?


Arctic wild camping

from 68 € per person / night

Do you have a wild idea? If so, we can offer you and your party an exciting wilderness camp with a home dinner, extras and forest activities. The only limit is your imagination!

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745 € / 3 nights

Feel the Forest Happiness at Metsä Kolo nature resort as a special guest, in the middle of private wilderness.

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Canoe at Lake Saarijärvi

from 75 € / 4 hours

Canoeing starting in front of your cottage.  

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Canoe at Lake Simojärvi

from 175 € / 6 hours

Simojärvi (14 km from Metsä Kolo), which is larger than Saarijärvi, is extremely suitable for water excursions.  

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Traditional lakeside sauna

190 € / 4 hours

Have a relaxing sauna experience!

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Bitten by the cloudberry bug?

265 € / 2 nights

The queen of the wild berries, cloudberry, is waiting here to be picked. Here you can easily taste cloudberries picked by yourself, without forgetting relaxation and enjoyment.      

Guest reviews of Metsä Kolo

Anne Impiö, Ranua
What a holiday resort we found in Ranua. There was such a good atmosphere in this place that I said that there must be some good genies moving around on these lands. I'll have to get back there soon!
Taava Rimpiläinen, Espoo
Thank you to Lapin Metsäläinen! The best dreams in linen sheets. Sauna and swimming in a clean lake, as well as picking cloudberries in the swamp were the best experiences of the summer. A piece of my heart remains in Ranua's swamp. I'll get back there.
Pauliina Mursu, Oulu
Last December I visited Metsä Kolo with my boyfriend. Our accommodation there was a log cabin, it was wonderful to relax in the middle of the forest, far away from the towns. The place was really quiet and surrounded by nature. The owners are really nice and we felt welcome. We ate dinner by the campfire and also went to sauna, which was nice in the spacious sauna building. Our cottage was suitably sized and clean. We had a great time there. I recommend Metsä Kolo to anyone who wants to stay in the middle of the forest in a peaceful environment.
Eva af Heurlin, Berchtesgaden, Germany
We spent a couple of days in October 2020 at lovely Metsäkolo. The weather was a bit rough, but it did not disturb our well-being. The original finish sauna was a pleasure and a dip in the cold water of Lake Saarijärvi was refreshing. Nice to be able to take part in the joint work of carrying firewood to the sauna and heating the sauna oven. It was nice to sleep in the comfortable beds and the bedding was wonderfully comfortable as were the towels etc - everything is very organic! Alexandra drove us around and showed us the surroundings, the forests, the lakes, the island and told us interestingly about all the possibilities for recreation and stay so close to nature. You can enjoy the silence, without stress or be active and enjoy different nature experiences, all that is good for both body and soul. The cranberries were picked because we were unlucky with drizzle all day but the reindeer stew was a taste experience and the lingonberry jam was homemade and of course from our own lingonberries. We enjoyed and had a good time and would love to recommend Alexandra's lovely Metsäkolo!
Hanna LaurenEspoo
You have a wonderful place there! A magnificent headland, an open lake and a bog lake of your own. We would have enjoyed it all even for a longer time 🙂 The beds and bedding were worthy of every praise. I immediately bought the duvets for our family (when ordering them I mentioned where I had familiarised myself with the products). The sauna and the lake are exactly what the Finnish soul needs. The best thing was the pre-heated sauna at the end of the hiking day. I would absolutely like to get back there 🙂 And I would actually like to even try living there in the north!
Aksu Rautiofrom southern Finland
Metsä Kolo was wonderfully located in a quiet place in the middle of nature, which is why I first doubted that the cottage could not even be found in the middle of the forest like this. Well, the cottage was, however, found with a wonderfully quiet reception. Sauna was considerably good. <3. Sauna oli kunnioitettavan hyvä.
Flo Schneckenleitner - Auszeit mit Ehefrau, ohne Kinder
Flo Schneckenleitner - Auszeit mit Ehefrau, ohne KinderSalzburg, Österreich
Wir Waren begeistert! Metsä Kolo ist ein ort der mit mit Liebe zum Detail neu gestaltet wurde. For the Member States, Regionalities and Qualifications, the person concerned will be able to meet the requirements. Das gefällt und mach den Platz besonders. Die Besitzerin Alexandra spricht perfectly Deutsch, Englisch and Finnisch, ist unaufdringlich and trotzdem immer thisichbar wenn man sie ride. Alexandra is interested in a series of initiatives and initiatives that are of interest. For this purpose, the planes are used and the planes are also used for the construction of the kraft plaza, which can be used as a whiteboard. These are the same as in Finland, or in Finland. Lapland, Seine Menschen, Kultur, Kulularik und vor allem die atemberaubende Natur fernab des Massentourismus erleben wollen. The heating system is free, for example, a sauna, a sauna and a shower. For the purposes of this Regulation, the provisions of this Regulation shall apply to the manufacture of foodstuffs.
Great lakeside sauna and tasteful decoration. Very peaceful location. Perfect site for a base camp to explore the surrounding Wilderness. Only an hour by car from Rovaniemi. Winter should be great too!
LisaDeutschland - eine Woche, Familie mit 2 Kindern
Winterzauber, Erholung und Outdoor-Spaß //Die Unterkunft ist sehr gemütlich und hübsch dekoriert! Sie liegt sehr ruhig und mitten in der Natur! Wir Eltern hatten ein Bett mit direktem Seeblick und die Kinder haben gemeinsam auf der großen Schlafcouch geschlafen. Die Sauna war für uns ein besonderes Highlight und immer ein toller Abschluss für den Tag. Für die Kinder waren Schlittenfahren und Lagerfeuer machen die Lieblingsbeschäftigungen! Am letzten Abend haben traumhafte Nordlichter dem ganzen die Krone aufgesetzt! Wir konnten sie bequem direkt vor der Haustür auf dem zugefrorenen See beobachten (besonders praktisch als die Kinder müde wurden und wir einfach nochmal rausgehen konnten als sie im Bett waren).Folgende Ausflüge haben wir in der Woche gemacht (beste zuerst), Alexandra war eine sehr große Hilfe und konnte uns tolle Guides empfehlen: - Besuch einer Rentierfarm - Grill- und Schlittenausflug mit Alexandra und ihrer Familie - Fahrt mit einem Rentierschlitten - Zoo in Ranua - Weihnachtsdorf in RovaniemiAlexandra ist eine tolle Gastgeberin, die Kommunikation vor und während des Aufenthalts war hervorragend! Vielen Dank für die schöne Zeit!
Karin W. - 9 Nächte mit Familie, 3 Teenies
Karin W. - 9 Nächte mit Familie, 3 TeeniesLungau, Austria
Wir haben unseren Urlaub in Metsa Kolo sehr genossen. Zurück zum Ursprung - in einer nett eingerichteten Hütte direkt am See in einer idyllischen Gegend kann man sich richtig erholen und zur Ruhe kommen. Alexandra ist eine sehr herzliche Gastgeberin. Sie hat uns mit typisch finnischen leckeren Köstlichkeiten verwöhnt. Ein Highlight war auch das Lagerfeuer in der Kota mit Glögi und finnischen Keksen. Da wir frischen Schnee hatten stand einer Ausfahrt mit den Elektro snow scooter nichts im Wege. Sehr lustig und empfehlenswert.Saunieren, wie es in Finnland üblich ist, kam natürlich auch nicht zu kurz 🙂 Alexandra hat uns sehr viele schöne Eindrücke von Lappland ermöglicht. Vielen lieben Dank!
Franz G. - 1 Woche mit Familie: Fischen, essen, saunieren und genießen!
Franz G. - 1 Woche mit Familie: Fischen, essen, saunieren und genießen!Golling, Österreich
Ankunft mit dem Flieger in Rovaniemi. Schon bei der Fahrt zur Unterkunft sahen wir die ersten Rentiere am Straßenrand. Die Hütte war für unsere Ansprüche mehr als ausreichend. Als beruflicher Hotelbettenschläfer war ich vor allem über die sehr guten Betten und die super Bettwäsche höchst erfreut. Besondere Freude machte mir natürlich der Holzofen. Einheizen und das Knistern des Feuers hat Mann nicht alle Tage. Wir verbrachten mit den Kindern die meiste Zeit bedingt durch das ausgezeichnete Wetter und den nicht vorhandenen Mücken im Freien. Bootfahren, Kanufahren, Standup paddeln, saunieren und abkühlen im See und natürlich Fischen und Beeren pflücken ließ die Zeit im Nu vergehen. Für das leibliche Wohl war durch die frischen Zutaten ausreichend gesorgt. Schwarzbeerkuchen, Buchteln mit frischer Blaubeer- und Moltebeermarmelade, frische Räucherfische, frisches Sauerteigbrot und vieles mehr konnten wir in geselliger Runde beim Lagerfeuer genießen.Wir kommen wieder!
Gunārs Treikals with girlfiriend & dog named Luna, Christmas 2021
Gunārs Treikals with girlfiriend & dog named Luna, Christmas 2021Lithuania
location is really good. you can get groceries in Ranua and forest around the place is perfect for outdoor activities. it's located more or less in between Rovaniemi and Riisitunturi national park. Alexandra was extremely helpful, she gave us a tour of place, told us how to be a Finnish sauna masters and gave really good hints about things around. place itself is very nice. clean, cozy and bed is also very comfortable and warm. bed is by the window, so you can just lay there and watch the lake, if you want to. all in all a quality place. we fell in love with the north and would love to come to see how it is in the summer time.
JurijNew Year 2024
Definetely one of our best experiences ever. We loved every part of it, and I wish I would have more! The place is marvelouse and thanks to Alexandra, we got to know Lapland form an authentic perspective. Thank you for all the help and advices, we are truly happy to have stayed at your place.

We prefer high-quality and ecological domestic alternatives in our materials

Finnish design beds

We want to pamper our guests with luxurious nighttime sleep, so we have chosen Hilja beds by the Finnish family business MATRI. The beds have been handmade in their own factory using 100% natural materials. MATRI also has material safety at heart, which is why all of their products use only environmentally friendly, certified materials produced in Europe. This ensures an exceptionally clean, breathable and safe sleeping environment.

Horsehair futons

We want to pamper our guests with soothing sleep. The futon mattress gives the body proper support so that the muscles do not have to tense while sleeping. The perfectly breathable mattress is made only of pure natural materials. With horsehair, a very durable and airy layer can be created in the futon, which brings a little surface softness together with the layers of organic cotton and wool. The futons are handmade in Pori by the same family business where the ecological blankets and pillows we have chosen also come from.

Duvets and pillows

We want to pamper our guests with natural Finnish products. Duvets and pillows of Finnsheep wool are an ecological choice, as they biodegrade in soil. Wool is inherently fireproof so it does not require the addition of fire protection chemicals and is also otherwise a chemical-free product. The bedding does not make you sweat even in hot weather as it efficiently evaporates the moisture it absorbs and stays comfortably warm in the cold and damp. Our impressive bedding is handmade in Finland by the company called Porin Villa ja Peite, using surplus raw materials produced nearby.

Duvet covers and pillowcases

We want to pamper our guests with soft linen sheets. Jesus linen sheets are made to last, experience and see a lot, even for generations. The material of linen is beautiful, durable and environmentally friendly natural fiber. Linen is heavy, smooth and stiffer. Breathable linen retains its coolness when hot and warms even in cooler places.
The comfort and softness of the fabric only increase with washing. Finlayson wanted to make the most durable sheets in the world, for which they took the model of the Turin shroud that has survived to this day.


We want to pamper our guests with the best towels. The weaving at Lapuan Kankurit, the manufacturer of our towels, is of Nordic design, inspired by Finland's pure and rugged nature. The fourth generation family business weaves responsibly, while respecting the environment. Only natural raw materials such as linen and wool are used. High-quality textiles last for decades when properly cared for.