I am Kirsi Timonen from Pudasjärvi, Ranua's neighbouring municipality. I have university education in the science of translation and have made my main career in expert positions at Nokia in Oulu. After getting a family of my own, I really began to dream of moving to the countryside. After the birth of my youngest child, the dream came true. Our original idea was to return to my and my spouse's home district in Pudasjärvi, but life took us a few kilometers from the border of Pudasjärvi, to the village of Kelankylä in Ranua.
Years passed and the children grew up until my parental leave ended. The question "What now?" arose in my head, and I began to wonder what truly interests me and what are the opportunities available in my new place of residence. I had already been following the growth of tourism in the area in the media, and the industry began to interest me. So in 2018 I applied for and entered a training course (organised by the University of Lapland), the aim of which was to train employees for the field of tourism.
A couple more years of silence followed before further action. In January 2021, I saw an article in the local paper Kuriiri titled “In Metsä Kolo you get close to nature. From buying a family forest to becoming a local tourism entrepreneur ”. As I read the story, my interest just grew and it sounded like the kind of responsible nature tourism job I had been dreaming of.
A month later I called Alexandra as I wanted to hear more about Metsä Kolo. At that point I didn't believe in any job opportunities really, because Kuriiri had told me how the coronavirus had struck at a critical time for the company. In a roundabout way and with some luck, I was, however, able to start a work trial at Lapin Metsäläinen at the end of April 2021.
My work has been nicely varied, diverse and very interesting, as I have been able to dive into the world of Metsä Kolo from many different angles and view and experience Lapin Metsäläinen from many different perspectives. I believe that in this company, I will some day be able to realize my years-long dream of combining my language training and nature enthusiasm in a professional sense…